What is Marriage And Love Numerology ?
In all the interests of life, those to do with love and marriage are by far the most important, ranking equal to health on the one hand and to money on the other. The desire for companionship and affection is invariably exceedingly active in the human make-up, and much of the happiness or unhappiness in the life springs from the making of either a satisfactory attachment, leading to a successful marriage, or the forming of an unwise association, leading to emotional upsets and a possible frustration of marriage or the bringing about of an unsuitable marriage with subsequent divorce.
When we know our love and marriage number, we become aware of our prospects and this knowledge, if used correctly, can aid us in mitigating or even offsetting the unfavorable possibilities, and of assisting those of a constructive and helpful nature.
By knowing the love and marriage number, and its attributes of the prospective or actual partner, we can see whether the mutual vibrations are helpful or the reverse, and if necessary, to make a decision. If the waves are unhelpful, by knowing potentialities of the marriage partner’s love and marriage number, we able, if we so choose, to act to that there is a mitigating of adverse significations, thus helping in the creation of greater harmony and hence of higher love and compassion. If the combination is already harmonious, we can act to bring about a realising of mutual desires and wishes where children, social and public interests, and other matters of importance are concerned.
A complete love and marriage report on harmonies and antipathies are arrived at using the unique combination numbers of the boy and girl.
- A number that vibrates to another shows that there is considerable mutual attraction and the marriage will be very favourable.
- A number that attracts shows that the two people are well suited to each other.
- A number that disagrees with another shows that the union will call for a great deal of diplomacy, if it is to be attended with any measure of success.
- Where a number is passive, it merely means that numerology offers no opinion, there being no outstanding influence for good or bad.
- Of course, if the two numbers are alike, it is a foregone conclusion that the union will be very favourable.
What is Health Numerology?
The numerological question of physical strength or weakness is of vital importance to everyone. It is upon the maintenance of good health, in more significant measure than may be commonly realised, depends on the capacity to carry out the daily work and to bring about the developing of plans and activities in all directions of life. Ill health will react upon the earning capacity in many instances, and can disturb or even destroy marital happiness and the continuity of home life. If, therefore, one is aware of one’s peculiar strengths and weaknesses and the liability to certain specific ailments and complaints, one can take the necessary precautions to mitigate liability to indisposition and to strengthen the general condition of health. Numerology can give intuitive details on the person’s physical and mental health.
Health Number
The number of one’s name, calculated in accordance with the kabalistic system of numbers 1 to 22, will again give an unfailing indication of these strengths and in connection with health, two indications are taken. The first indication is given by the initial letter and its corresponding number of the name and it can be likened to the indication given by the Rising Sign in astrological horoscope of birth. The second indication is given by the whole of the name, with the surname. The final number given by the whole name will correspond to the planetary or zodiacal vibration which will influence the life generally.